Sunday, June 18, 2017

Political Divide


I've been reading the news and Twitter a lot lately. I'm 39, so I've been around a little bit, and for the first time, I'm truly afraid we're at a political breaking point.

My focus for school was economics. I read about business, the economy, finance and government spending. For the first time, I'm afraid of an economic crisis that will make 2008 look frighteningly minor. Enough of that, we need to understand something first:


This is my opinion, backed by sound logic and studying. It began with Ronald Reagan and “trickle down” economics. At that moment, the rich won, period. With all that extra capital, the invested and grew massive. The killer for the rest of us? Citizens United. Period.

So here we are, controlled by a minority who want to keep us down. Democrats and Republicans alike are for sale. But, we have two very fundamental yet extremely different economic views. On the right, small government, less spending, tax breaks to grow the economy and states rights. The left, a socialized democracy. Tax, with rates increasing with money, and spend. In a perfect world, a socialized, yet capitalistic society is easily the best way. Period.

How am I so convinced that, in a perfect world, the left is right? Because your money payed to a perfect government, would be used to solely protect you. Agencies for your security and safety. Money for education expenses. Smaller military budget. Free health care so you life expectancy doesn't depend on your wallet. The list goes on. Including, most importantly, money to states to help grow our nation.

I didn't say a perfect government twice, however, on accident. Because of actions over the last thirty years, our government cannot pass anything without approval from lobbies.

The consequences are simple, you won't get re-elected if you disagree with the powers that be, in many cases. Lobbyists do not need to convince them all, just enough. The result is a masterpiece created by the wealthy, where money makes money and capital is king.

Now comes the rise of social media. If your friend sends an article, it must be true. Then, the media isn't informing the nation. The real reporters are competing with a massive social media attack on our very foundation, our democracy and our safety. This had lead to:


That's the source of the problem. I'm not saying ignorance because of a lack of intelligence. It's was a subtle beginning when Obama became president. As a liberal who thinks Obama was a great leader, Check him out. The hatred from the left spilled over. Fox News and other even further left outlets bashed him daily. People who watch these, by and large bought it. However, he had over 400 accomplishments of which many affect you in a good way.

But the chasm grew. Our Congress was divided along party lines. The left and right medias begin to step up the hate. Both sides spreading misinformation, or ignorance, at a feverish pace. Politics have always been divided, but not like this.

Before, there was nightly news. Unbiased, fact based news. The paper, with op-eds for both sides, but actually news. Sources were confirmed, experts were involved and our media simply informative.

Now, with misinformation flying, no one believes the other side. New York Times, The Washington Post and other major publications began searching for clicks. There's no money without them. The right, influenced by Fox News and other right leaning media outlets, didn't trust other, leftist, elitist news. The left clinged to it. MSNBC, the Fox News for the left, fueled their hatred, constantly attacking the right. And the war grew, and grew. A clash for the ages begins:


And here we are. Trump promised the world, Hillary wasn't ready to promise that. She was pragmatic, and she was under attack, under investigation, and she represented the elite, even though her life was dedicated to the underprivileged.

Trump, however, was not a politician, he was going to end the wars, destroy ISIS, fix health care, bring back jobs, and that's just his first week. He thrived because the media had made people hate the government, because he didn't talk or act like a politician, who have let us down, time and time again. We needed someone to shake it up. And he certainly is.

On a liberal note, andI would love to be wrong, but I challenge anyone to find an Executive Order or a bill passed that has helped you. Not a coal miner, not a factory worker, but you? I've read them all, looking at each one to find one good thing, but I simply couldn't. The only good ones carry no money, therefore, worthless words.

I truly wanted to find something good. It's just not there. It's June 19th, hundreds of important government jobs are missing. He blames the media, the democrats, Mexico, China and Obama. Always someone or something to blame. And nothing has been done, not really
More an illusion of accomplishments than actual accomplishments. But please, prove me wrong. Maybe I am too blinded by bias.

He continues to blame Obama for his pathetic 8 years, but Obama came in with our country bleeding money, yet he didn't blame anyone, he went to work. Obama Care has helped millions, but it was never perfect. It needs to be fixed, not replaced. It won't get it, and it will die along with people. Actual people will actually die or go into financial ruin. The rich? They get more.

The hatred now has already turned violent, on both sides. Trump supporters being beaten over a bumper sticker. Liberals being punched at a rally, with our President egging him on. ANTIFA trying to bring a message, I think, but are only bringing and inciting violence. A right wing politician, gunned down by a liberal at a softball game. Trump attacking our media, the White House saying one thing, Trump tweeting another. And so the final step for the rich and powerful is complete:


The media war tells us that every liberal who doesn't like Trump is a snowflake. How dare you not support our President? We lived through 8 years of Obama, Satan himself, and we still stood by him as our President.

Their selective memory, though, is encouraged by our news cycle and media attacks, but is very frustrating for the left who remember how Republicans treated Obama. He couldn't do anything right. Killing Bin Ladin, the mastermind behind 9/11 wasn't enough, so I'm not sure how he have could please you. The right, increasingly ignorant due to the misinformation war over the past decade, and the left, increasingly angry at Trump, Congress and their inaction and spite.

What I just stated is what's going on, right now. Generalization, period. Now it's right v left. If you're right, you're a nationalistic, red blooded American, Trump loving, gun loving, idiotic fool who allowed Trump to con you and believe we need to make America great again, as if we were so awesome for so long and the damn liberals ruined it. If you're left, however, you're a pussy, gun hating, socialist, America hating, tree hugging, elitist, city living, precious little snowflake. So fragile, so anti-american that we can't wait to gain back power and destroy your freedom.

The truth isn't that easy. The truth is how it's always been. Most of us lean left or right, where we can talk about politics and come to some sort of agreement. On the fringes, are the far left and right, out of sight due to online anonymity. Spewing hate and generalizing the other side.

Normal people just want to live a good life. We can agree on some things, even now. We want a government that works for us. We want good opportunities to make money. We want to be proud of our country. We want people to be kind. We want a thriving economy. We want easy access to food, clean water, shelter and the basic needs. We want justice. We want safety and security, but also privacy, an increasingly difficult task with modern technology. And we want all this and complete freedom. We want this, but we don't want to pay taxes.

We just can't agree on how to get there. What's different now is that we're blaming citizens, holding them accountable for the actions of the elected. We're also blaming citizens for believing the biased media, on both sides. Anything sound wrong about those statement? Which finally leads to:


We are going to continue to generalize. Violence breeds more violence. Government corruption continues to propagate content. A nation at war, right vs left vs the rest of the world. Economic collapse. Climate disaster. Energy crisis. We simply want too much, and the hatred grows. It's not about Trump, it's about us. But that has been long lost, lost because of corporate greed and a misinformation war. It can go several ways. Civil War, martial law, a military coup? Nothing at all and life continues as-is?

I can't see the future, but I am watching the present and study the past. There's something different brewing in America, but it's all too familiar throughout mankind's existence, whether created by a God, or through evolution. Money and power accumulate at the top. The top begins to control the masses, either by corrupting a government or simply by force. The only difference now is technology.

Unfortunately, technology never saved past empires. The masses cannot be controlled and used by the few for long. Have we reached that point. Absolutely. The masses are pissed, tired of being held down. Tired of electing people with good intentions, only to see them break down by a broken system. What happens next could become history, the legend of the greatest country to date, lost to the books and the ages.

I hope I'm wrong!

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