Dear President,
Quick history. The Sunni and Shia had a problem. The rightful heir after the death of the prophet Muhammad died. They didn't agree on the successor, the true Caliph. Then, since the mid 7th century or so (do your own research), war.
Fast forward, ummm, 1500 years, and you have Muslims throughout the world. Most, approximately 80%,are sunni, possibly beyond 90%. That doesn't mean there aren't that many Shia, but they're a little outnumbered. However, they have, and have had power in the middle east. The Sunni don't like that, so more war, genocide, civil war in Syria, etc.
These guys hate each other already. Then comes the cold war and another event, the “big game”. This was a land grab in the middle east by any nation with money.
It's not a coincidence that the Afghans have Russian weapons. The Soviets gave them aid and weapons in the 50’s. Yada Yada Yada, the soviets attack. They want a buffer area, and they, like us, wanted oil from Iraq. The US denied the Afghans pleas for aid, before the war, a war that will last 9 years, with approximately 2 million people, mostly innocent, dead. The US funded Afghanistan.
But not too much, Jimmy Carter was afraid of US-Russian relations, obviously. Then Reagan provides more support. With some financial aid and diplomacy, the Geneva Accord managed to have Russia leave Afghanistan. Russia and Pakistan claim they were restoring peace, as Al Queda we're supporting terrorists and claiming Jihad. Arguing about the reason is pointless for me. As regular citizens, we will never know everything.
None of that matters now anyways, although everything culminated in a war torn country with many refugees fleeing the country. The fighters, however, stay. And we ignored them. They were angry, armed, rugged killers. The Soviet Union collapsed, and, Bin Laden claims victory for God. Jihad continues, which include America. We know the rest.
Still, we will not win the Middle East with war, but strong diplomacy. They don't care if they die, but our soldiers do, and si do we. We keep bombing them, rinse and repeat, currently attacking 7 countries. It doesn't work, this isn't the Gulf War where we stopped and invasion then proceeded to Baghdad. This is a war of Sunni and Shia, Jihad and the Islamic State.
So our choices are to continue killing every bad Muslims or negotiate with them, help them rebuild and get that oil through diplomacy. So, either way, we can't win the Middle East, but we can let things go and buy the oil.
At this point, I really don't care what we do as long as we have a good energy policy. Keep the drones going, hundred of attacks a month, kill bad guys and their wives amd neighbors because, America. During that time, more and more Muslim extremist begin us. Or, let them kill each other, but in a way to get that oil.
Basically we're screwed if we do, damned if we don't. Although I gave the very brief, incomplete version of events, but get the hell out and spend money on us like health care, education, infrastructure and all the other things that actually help us.
Many Thanks,
Anonymous American
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